Types of Operating Systems

Types of Operating Systems

Types of Operating systems All of this history and development has left us with a wide variety of operating systems, not all of which are widely known let’s start with types of operating systems. Mainframe Operating Systems: A mainframe with 1000 disks and thousands of gigabytes of data is not unusual. Mainframes are normally used as web servers, servers for large-scale electronic commerce sites, and servers for business-to-business transactions. The operating systems for mainframes are heavily oriented toward processing many jobs at once, most of which need heavy amounts of…

What is an Operating System? History of Operating System

Operating System and History of Operating System

What is an Operating System? and History of Operating System If we just build a computer, using its basic physical components, then we end up with a lot of assembled metal, plastic, and silicon. In this state the computer is useless. To turn it into one of the most useful tools we need software. We need applications that allow us to write letters, write software, perform numerical modeling, calculate cash flow forecasts, etc. But, if all we have are just the applications, then each programmer has to deal with the…

ICT Education Theories and Practices Syllabus | MICT | Tribhuvan University

Course Title: ICT Education Theories and PracticesNature of the course: TheoryCourse No. ICT.Ed. 538Credit Hours: 3Level: M.Ed.Teaching Hour 48Semester: Third Course DescriptionThis course is meant for the students who major in ICTE in M.Ed from the Faculty of Education. Tribhuvan University. It introduces the historical and philosophical development of ICT education and the use of ICT in education in different dimensions from its origin to its development in the 21st century. The students will be acquainted with the changing face of higher education in the 21st century with the introduction…

थेसिसको Abstract के हो र यसमा के लेख्ने के नलेख्ने ?

अहिले प्राय: एमफिल र पिएचडीका विद्यार्थीहरुलाई पुरै थेसिसको काम सकिसके पछि पनि Abstract लेख्न हम्मे हम्मे पर्ने देखिएको छ। यसो हुनुमा Abstract के हो, यो कस्तो हुनुपर्ने हो र यसमा के के कुरा समावेश हुनुपर्छ भनेर आवश्यक पर्ने अवधारणा प्रष्ट नभएर नै हो भन्ने मेरो उनीहरुसंगको दशकौंको अनुभवले बताउँछ। एक त अनुसन्धान विधी पढाउने प्रोफेसरले नै यो अवधारणा उनीहरुमा प्रष्ट पारिदिनु पर्ने हो, प्रयास भएर पनि विद्यार्थीले ध्यान नदिएका पनि हुन सक्छन् । दोश्रो एमफिल र पिएचडी तहमा अध्ययन गर्ने विद्यार्थीले पनि गूगलमा यौटा क्लिक हानेर पाउने सूचनाको समेत उपयोग…